Genealogy Data Page 165 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
??, Cody 
Gender: Male
Father: Wayne??,
Mother: Newkirk, Kristin
Carris, Verna Jean 
Gender: Female
Father: Carris, Vernon Webster
Mother: Green, Eva Mae
Riedesel, Johannes 
b. 4 SEP 1836 Wunderthausen
d. 22 JUN 1842 Wunderthausen
Gender: Male
Father: Riedesel, Johannes
Mother: Ruppert, Florentine
Staley, Mysty 
Gender: Female
Father: Staley, Kim
Mother: Johnston, Pamela Kaye
Carris, Janet Lee 
Gender: Female
Father: Carris, Vernon Webster
Mother: Green, Eva Mae
Riedesel, Emma

b. ABT 1878 Missouri
d. 13 FEB 1884
Gender: Female
Father: Riedesel, Johannes
Mother: Schlesselmann, Louisa Wilhelmina Henrietta
Staley, Chantel 
Gender: Female
Father: Staley, Kim
Mother: Johnston, Pamela Kaye
Cook, Gerry Ann 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Father: Cook, Marion Auyer
Mother: Riedesel, Anita Emma Augusta
Staley, Trynity 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Father: Staley, Kim
Mother: Johnston, Pamela Kaye
Bentrott, Lawrence 
b. 12 APR 1912
d. 2 JUN 1985
Gender: Male
Father: Bentrott, William
Mother: Strackbein, Lisetta Christine
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