Genealogy Data Page 306 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Wetter, Johann Daniel 
b. 1708
Gender: Male
Father: Wetter, Johann Georg
Mother: Müsse, Anna Katherine
Wetter, Dorothy May

b. 11 AUG 1900 Jasper, Carroll, Iowa
Gender: Female
Father: Wetter, Gustav Adolphus
Mother: Shutes, Agatha Emma
Schumacher, Henry 
b. 4 AUG 1761
Gender: Male
Father: Schumacher, Johann Jost
Mother: ??, Anna Elisabeth
Knebel, Amalia

b. 4 AUG 1846 Wunderthausen
Gender: Female
Father: Knebel, Ludwig Heinrich
Mother: Womelsdorf, Anna Catherine
Veiock, Margaretha 
b. 1807 Vorderweidenthal, Südliche Weinstrasse, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Gender: Female
Father: Veiock, Ludwig Heinrich
Mother: Helfer, Maria Barbara
Lauber, George Lewis 
b. 2 JUL 1846 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
d. 24 MAY 1932 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
Gender: Male
Father: Lauber, Johann Henrich
Mother: Terrell, Susan Tivett
Hasbrouck, Louise

b. 27 SEP 1851 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
d. 14 DEC 1936 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
Gender: Female
Lauber, Henry 
Sturm, Henry 
b. SEP 1883
Gender: Male
Father: Sturm, Frederick M.
Mother: Riedesel, Sophia F.
Pott, Franciskus 
b. 9 OCT 1753 Wunderthausen
d. 23 NOV 1754 Wunderthausen
Gender: Male
Father: Pott, Johann Hermann
Mother: Trapp, Elisabeth Gertraud
Radle, Donna Mae 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Father: Radle, Paul
Mother: Hoagland, Emma Katherine
Wagner, Florentine 
b. 14 APR 1804 Wunderthausen
d. 28 JUN 1804 Wunderthausen
Gender: Female
Father: Wagner, Johann Georg
Mother: Riedesel, Elisabeth Magdalena
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