Genealogy Data Page 864 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Hammerand, Lily

b. JUN 1895 Iowa, USA
Gender: Female
Father: Hammerand, Edward
Mother: Miller, Emma
Franz, Gladys L

b. ABT 1912 Iowa
Gender: Female
Father: Franz, Henry W
Mother: Miller, Christina
Hammerand, Charles P

b. JAN 1878 Iowa, USA
Gender: Male
Father: Hammerand, Erhard
Mother: Miller, Louise
Hammerand, Albert H

b. MAR 1886 Iowa, USA
Gender: Male
Father: Hammerand, Erhard
Mother: Miller, Louise
Miller, Lena

b. SEP 1886 Nebraska, USA
Gender: Female
Father: Miller, Louis
Mother: Bucher, Annie
Miller, Carl

b. MAR 1890 Nebraska, USA
Gender: Male
Father: Miller, Louis
Mother: Bucher, Annie
Miller, William E

b. NOV 1895 Iowa, USA
Gender: Male
Father: Miller, Louis
Mother: Bucher, Annie
Miller, Charles N

b. NOV 1886 Iowa, USA
Gender: Male
Father: Miller, Henry
Mother: Hohman?, Elizabeth
Miller, Harry T

b. DEC 1888 Iowa, USA
Gender: Male
Father: Miller, Henry
Mother: Hohman?, Elizabeth
Miller, Roy H

b. MAY 1891 Iowa, USA
Gender: Male
Father: Miller, Henry
Mother: Hohman?, Elizabeth
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