Genealogy Data Page 262 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Barnard, Kate 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Father: Barnard, Jeff
Mother: Homrighausen, Sara
Knoche, Lisette 
b. 31 JAN 1844 Wunderthausen
d. 27 MAY 1844 Wunderthausen
Gender: Female
Father: Knoche, Johannes
Mother: Krohe, Anna Elisabeth
Tandy, Pat 
Father: Tandy, Harold
Mother: Riedesel, Kathleen
Riedesel, Christine 
b. 22 SEP 1846 Winnen
d. 16 DEC 1926 Ebsdorf
Gender: Female
Father: Riedesel, Niclas
Mother: Schomber, Anna Catharina
Knoche, Amelia

b. 22 MAY 1882 Kansas, USA
d. 29 SEP 1959 probably Miami County, Kansas
Gender: Female
Father: Knoche, Georg Ludwig
Mother: Homrighausen, Maria Catherine
Spies, Anna Christina 
b. 28 MAR 1738 Wunderthausen
d. BEF 1740
Gender: Female
Father: Spies, Johannes
Mother: Strackbein, Anna Elisabeth Gertraudt
Hocker, William 
b. ABT 1863
Gender: Male
Father: Hocker, Phillip J.
Mother: Gerhardt, Catherine
Knoche, Emma Louise

b. 25 JUL 1887 Kansas, USA
d. 19 JUN 1972 probably Miami County, Kansas
Gender: Female
Father: Knoche, Georg Ludwig
Mother: Homrighausen, Maria Catherine
Homrighausen, Douglas 
Gender: Male
Father: Homrighausen, William
Mother: ??, Imogene
Spies, Catherine Elisabeth 
b. 29 JUN 1742 Wunderthausen
d. 26 MAR 1755 Wunderthausen
Gender: Female
Father: Spies, Johannes
Mother: Strackbein, Anna Elisabeth Gertraudt
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