Genealogy Data Page 314 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Wick, Marilyn 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Father: Wick, Ralph Arthur
Mother: Miller, Mildred Lesetta
Carroll, James Edward

b. 1910 Iowa
Gender: Male
Father: Carroll, Edward John
Mother: Keller, Lydia Johanna
Homrighausen, Elisabeth Amalia 
b. 17 AUG 1783 Wunderthausen
d. 25 OCT 1784 Wunderthausen
Gender: Female
Father: Homrighausen, Johann Georg
Mother: Riedesel, Elisabeth Amalia
Carroll, Child 
Father: Carroll, Edward John
Mother: Keller, Lydia Johanna
Knoche, Johannes 
b. 6 DEC 1834 Wunderthausen
d. 11 AUG 1840 Wunderthausen
Gender: Male
Father: Knoche, Georg Franz
Mother: Lauber, Elisabeth Magdalene
Andre, Christophe 
Gender: Male
Father: Andre, Pierre
Mother: Claeys, Christiane
Knoche, Anna Christina 
b. 24 MAY 1837 Wunderthausen
d. 14 NOV 1839 Wunderthausen
Gender: Female
Father: Knoche, Georg Franz
Mother: Lauber, Elisabeth Magdalene
Egdorf, Johann Friedrich Christian 
b. 24 MAY 1862 Nienhagen, Pommern
Gender: Male
Father: Riedesel, Johann Karl Christian
Mother: Egdorf, Johanna Maria Ulrica
Knoche, Wilhelm 
b. 10 JUN 1852 Wunderthausen
Gender: Male
Mother: Knoche, Wilhelmine
Mörchen, Maria Elisabeth

b. 23 NOV 1864 Wunderthausen
Gender: Female
Father: Mörchen, Ludwig Heinrich
Mother: Riedesel, Maria Elisabeth
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