Genealogy Data Page 636 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Strackbein, Johann Georg

b. 23 SEP 1851 Wunderthausen
d. 18 MAR 1926 Wheatland, Clinton, Iowa
Gender: Male
Father: Strackbein, Johann Georg
Mother: Homrighausen, Maria Magdalena
Riedesel, George 
b. 22 MAY 1889 Wheatland, Clinton, Iowa
d. 24 AUG 1889 Wheatland, Clinton, Iowa
Gender: Male
Father: Riedesel, Johann Heinrich
Mother: Rix, Friederike Luise
Wick, Ralph Arthur 
b. 22 SEP 1896 Lake City, Calhoun, Iowa
d. 13 AUG 1961 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota
Gender: Male
Marriage: 22 DEC 1920 Lanesboro, Carroll, Iowa
Miller, Mildred Lesetta

b. 19 FEB 1900 Jasper, Carroll, Iowa
d. 10 MAY 1987 Nicollet, Minnesota
Gender: Female
Father: Miller, Edward
Mother: Riedesel, Minnie
Wick, Ralph Bruce 
Wick, Wayne Linden 
Wick, Nona 
Wick, Marilyn 
Arthur, Edward 
Wick, Nadine Martha 
Riedesel, Catherine

b. 21 FEB 1852 Galion, Crawford, Ohio
d. 30 NOV 1863 Wheatland, Clinton, Iowa
Gender: Female
Father: Riedesel, Johann Ludwig
Mother: Schneider, Catherine
Sherer, Katrina 
b. 27 AUG 1847 Crestline, Crawford, Ohio
Gender: Female
Father: Scherer, Jacob Georg
Mother: Timpe, Margarathe
Fisher, James Jay
Gender: Male
Marriage:--Not Shown-- Jackson, Missouri
Riedesel, Chrystiene Elizabeth
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Hocker, Ernest 
b. 27 OCT 1912 Iowa County, Iowa
Gender: Male
Father: Hocker, Frederick Charles
Mother: Conrad, Charlotte Sophia
Taylor, Dean Paul 
d. Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa
Gender: Male
Homrighausen, Cecelia

b. 29 JUN 1912 Big Rock, Clinton, Iowa
d. 21 MAY 1993 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa
Gender: Female
Father: Homrighausen, John Philip
Mother: Knebel, Anna
Taylor, Paul 
Knowles, Carrie Louise

b. 20 MAY 1898 Lynden, Whatcom, Washington
d. 23 MAR 1996
Gender: Female
Father: Knowles, Frederick Earle
Mother: Strackbein, Elisabeth Ann
Hocker, Bertha Christina 
b. 17 OCT 1914 Iowa County, Iowa
Gender: Female
Father: Hocker, Frederick Charles
Mother: Conrad, Charlotte Sophia
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