Index for surnames beginning with M (Family Pages)
[Meyer, Louis] - [Mundorff, Mary E]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[Maas, Johanna Henrietta] - [Meier, Lisetta]
[Meier, Minnie C.] - [Meyer, Lillian Inez]
[Meyer, Louis] - [Mundorff, Mary E]
[Murphy, Edward Charles] - [Müsse, Wilhelmine Johanna]
Meyer, Louis (b. 21 JUN 1879 - d. 7 FEB 1940)
Meyer, Mabel Dora (b. 27 MAR 1913 - d. 20 MAR 1989)
Meyer, Marcellia Rose (b. --Not Shown--)
Meyer, Margaretha Elisabeth (b. 12 AUG 1789)
Meyer, Maria Magdalena (b. 8 SEP 1794 - d. 7 FEB 1795)
Meyer, Maria Margaretha (b. 31 JAN 1796 - d. 17 JAN 1884)
Meyer, Maurice Albert Franklin (b. 25 MAY 1902 - d. 15 OCT 1975)
Meyer, Michael ( d. BEF 1877)
Meyer, Nelson Jacob (b. 8 APR 1889 - d. 15 MAR 1969)
Meyer, Oleta Frances (b. 27 MAR 1927 - d. 6 JUL 1964)
Meyer, Paul Michael (b. --Not Shown--)
Meyer, Peggy (b. --Not Shown--)
Meyer, Raymond Nelson (b. 27 JUL 1916 - d. ABT 2007)
Meyer, Ruth N (b. 7 MAR 1913 - d. 15 SEP 1999)
Meyer, Stanley John
Meyer, Ulysses Grant Bixby (b. 21 APR 1905)
Meyer, Walter Herman (b. 30 OCT 1895 - d. 5 JAN 1936)
Meyers, Elisabeth (b. --Not Shown--)
Meyers, Emma Marie (b. 11 JAN 1887 - d. 10 JAN 1952)
Meyers, John
Michler, Anna Margaretha (b. 1 DEC 1726 - d. 12 FEB 1766)
Michler, Catharina Elisabeth (b. 14 MAR 1762 - d. 9 MAY 1843)
Michler, Hans Jakob (b. 1679 - d. 17 DEC 1743)
Michler, Johann Jakob (b. 27 DEC 1728 - d. 15 MAR 1769)
Middendorf, Mary Lou (b. --Not Shown--)
Middlebrook, Grover Cleveland
Middough, Alvin Leroy (b. 6 FEB 1893 - d. 18 OCT 1958)
Miles, Morris Walter ( d. 3 JUN 1917)
Miller, Albert William (b. 30 SEP 1891 - d. 24 APR 1947)
Miller, Alice Christina (b. 17 MAY 1904 - d. 26 JAN 2000)
Miller, Annalisa Roberta (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Barbara Joan (b. 2 OCT 1926 - d. 24 MAY 2004)
Miller, Brian William (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Bryan Rose (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Carl Henry (b. 2 OCT 1893 - d. 16 AUG 1975)
Miller, Carl (b. MAR 1890)
Miller, Carol Louise (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Catharina (b. 12 FEB 1861 - d. 13 JAN 1923)
Miller, Catharina (b. 4 MAY 1866)
Miller, Charles (b. 18 SEP 1853 - d. 1 JUL 1932)
Miller, Charles N (b. NOV 1886)
Miller, Christina (b. 15 OCT 1878 - d. 11 MAR 1958)
Miller, Christopher Alan (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Curtis
Miller, Danny Ross (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Delores Faye (b. 3 JUN 1922 - d. 30 JUN 2016)
Miller, Don W.
Miller, Douglas Edmond (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Earl (b. MAY 1897)
Miller, Edward (b. 27 MAR 1864 - d. 3 JUL 1907)
Miller, Edward (b. 6 APR 1875 - d. 18 FEB 1928)
Miller, Edward Burl (b. 3 APR 1918 - d. 11 JUN 2002)
Miller, Edward Dietrich (b. 4 NOV 1894 - d. 16 JUN 1902)
Miller, Edward G (b. 5 JUL 1898 - d. 31 JUL 1967)
Miller, Emma (b. 18 APR 1873 - d. 18 FEB 1928)
Miller, Erich Gordon (b. 26 APR 1966 - d. 12 SEP 1983)
Miller, Ernest Edward (b. 21 SEP 1890 - d. 2 JUL 1979)
Miller, Flora Catherine (b. 23 AUG 1887 - d. 19 JAN 1962)
Miller, Florence Mauretta (b. 29 OCT 1927 - d. 27 MAR 1983)
Miller, Frank
Miller, Friedrich Edward (b. 19 SEP 1869 - d. 4 JUL 1928)
Miller, George Gabriel (b. 4 FEB 1901 - d. 7 AUG 1901)
Miller, Gordon Riedesel (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Harry Frederick (b. 12 JAN 1898 - d. 8 DEC 1981)
Miller, Harry T (b. DEC 1888)
Miller, Henry (b. 5 FEB 1862)
Miller, Henry (b. 7 SEP 1857 - d. 21 JUN 1946)
Miller, Ida Irene (b. 27 NOV 1887 - d. 4 SEP 1950)
Miller, Jason Scott
Miller, Jean Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, John B (b. JAN 1894)
Miller, Joyce Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Kenneth (b. 20 MAR 1911 - d. AUG 1987)
Miller, Kim
Miller, Kris
Miller, Laura Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Lena (b. SEP 1886)
Miller, Leo Cornelius (b. 4 APR 1892 - d. 5 MAR 1982)
Miller, Louis (b. Sept. 31, 1859 - d. 1938)
Miller, Louise (b. 22 FEB 1857 - d. 15 JUL 1937)
Miller, Marcella Jane (b. 23 FEB 1930 - d. MAY 1984)
Miller, Marcy
Miller, Marlys (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Martha Johanna (b. 5 JAN 1898 - d. 26 SEP 1961)
Miller, Martin (b. 24 SEP 1870)
Miller, Mary (b. 2 APR 1855 - d. 12 JAN 1941)
Miller, Mia Louise (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Mildred Lesetta (b. 19 FEB 1900 - d. 10 MAY 1987)
Miller, Mitchell (b. 9 AUG 1954 - d. 12 SEP 1980)
Miller, Norbert (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Ralf (b. DEC 1899)
Miller, Robert A. (b. 29 JUN 1898 - d. 11 OCT 1965)
Miller, Robert Henry (b. FEB 1896)
Miller, Roberta M. (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Rose Martha (b. 30 DEC 1894 - d. 28 MAY 1981)
Miller, Rowena (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Roxy
Miller, Roy H (b. MAY 1891)
Miller, Shirley Ann (b. 4 DEC 1924)
Miller, Susan Rose (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Tara Bree (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Terry (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, William E (b. NOV 1895)
Mills, Ella Dorothy (b. 26 JUL 1893 - d. ABT 1965)
Milner, Kelly (b. --Not Shown--)
Minden, Edna Ruth (b. 7 FEB 1908 - d. MAR 1986)
Minden, John
Minden, Lillian P (b. 20 JAN 1917 - d. 12 AUG 2010)
Minteer, Elizabeth (b. 1 OCT 1917 - d. 9 SEP 2013)
Miskell, Beverly (b. --Not Shown--)
Misner, Carl (b. ABT 1922)
Misner, Harold
Misner, Harold Chase (b. 21 FEB 1888 - d. 9 JAN 1953)
Misner, Norman E (b. 19 JUL 1918 - d. 19 MAY 1963)
Misner, Ruth (b. 10 AUG 1916 - d. 13 AUG 2005)
Misner, Wells Harold (b. 31 AUG 1912 - d. 8 APR 1997)
Missfeldt, Anna (b. MAR 1872)
Mitchell, Edward Thomas (b. JUL 1876 - d. 21 MAR 1932)
Mitchell, Gertrude (b. 4 SEP 1911 - d. 4 JUL 1981)
Mitchell, Infant (b. BEF 1910)
Mitchell, James George (b. 19 AUG 1905 - d. 5 APR 1963)
Mitchell, Lester (b. ABT 1916 - d. 1 JUL 1988)
Mitchell, Robert John (b. 3 DEC 1908 - d. 16 OCT 1970)
Moeller, Dorothy E. (b. 30 SEP 1916 - d. 21 JUN 1937)
Moeller, Herman (b. 3 MAR 1889 - d. 4 APR 1923)
Moeller, Kathryn Maxine (b. 10 DEC 1917 - d. 6 MAR 2015)
Moeller, Max Daniels (b. 21 MAR 1919 - d. 10 NOV 1948)
Moen, Richard
Moen, Tyler
Mohler, Catherine (b. 10 JUL 1838 - d. 8 APR 1905)
Mohr, Christian Peter (b. 28 APR 1883 - d. 29 JUL 1966)
Moller, Wilhelmina Lisette (b. 17 DEC 1833 - d. 21 OCT 1914)
Monahan, Michael Christopher
Monger, Louis Myron (b. 21 JUL 1905 - d. 28 JAN 1997)
Monroe, Lynae Charleen
Monroe, Mabel M (b. ABT 1887)
Montavon, Billy Joe (b. 11 JAN 1926 - d. 14 FEB 2002)
Montavon, Lucius William (b. 7 NOV 1895 - d. 3 MAR 1973)
Montz, Andrea
Montz, Ida Pearl
Mooney, Beatrice Mable (b. 30 OCT 1919 - d. 10 AUG 1995)
Moore, Jean
Moore, Mary Ann
Moore, Richard
Mordhorst, Agnes (b. JAN 1884)
Mordhorst, Alice C. (b. NOV 1888)
Mordhorst, August (b. ABT 1876)
Mordhorst, Augusta (b. OCT 1876 - d. 25 SEP 1927)
Mordhorst, Charles Henry (b. 10 MAR 1852 - d. 8 JUL 1943)
Mordhorst, Charles Henry (b. 14 OCT 1893 - d. 9 MAY 1983)
Mordhorst, Edgar James (b. 5 NOV 1891 - d. 12 MAR 1979)
Mordhorst, Ferdinand David (b. 7 OCT 1896 - d. 17 JUN 1994)
Mordhorst, Fred James (b. 15 MAY 1879 - d. 30 JUN 1944)
Mordhorst, George R (b. 4 JAN 1886 - d. JUL 1967)
Mordhorst, Sophie Julia (b. 6 OCT 1874 - d. 23 DEC 1943)
Mordhorst, Walter Scott (b. 10 MAR 1881)
Morehouse, Harold Frederick (b. 13 JUN 1912 - d. 19 MAR 1974)
Morgan, Lula M.
Morgan, Ruth Elizabeth (b. 25 APR 1907 - d. 21 DEC 1979)
Morgan, Walter Emory (b. 3 MAY 1881 - d. 9 APR 1965)
Morris, Ethel
Morrison, James Roland (b. 5 SEP 1872 - d. 18 APR 1946)
Morrison, John (b. 22 FEB 1809 - d. 7 NOV 1885)
Morrison, John A (b. 5 DEC 1869 - d. 15 MAY 1938)
Morton, Charles L. (b. 6 JUL 1906 - d. 2 DEC 1992)
Mosher, Ernest Nelson (b. 11 FEB 1915 - d. AUG 1982)
Motsch, Elizabeth (b. MAR 1845 - d. 17 APR 1937)
Motsenbocker, Flora
Moulds, Lawrence William (b. 15 SEP 1918 - d. 3 OCT 1949)
Mousel, Albert
Mousel, Aly
Mousel, Elise
Mousty, Charles
Mowry, Blanche (b. 4 FEB 1914 - d. 16 SEP 2006)
Mozalan, Helen (b. 13 AUG 1940 - d. 2012)
Muder, ?
Muder, Hen (b. ABT 1492 - d. BEF 1572)
Muder, Hen (b. ABT 1525 - d. AFT 1572)
Mueller, Fred
Mueller, Henry Frederick (b. 17 NOV 1880 - d. JAN 1967)
Mueller, Tracy Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Mueller, Vivian Dorothy (b. 7 OCT 1910 - d. 17 NOV 1980)
Muhl, Harlan
Muhl, Howard
Muhl, John (b. 1 DEC 1893 - d. 12 FEB 1968)
Muller, Jon Loring (b. --Not Shown--)
Muller, Kenneth Joseph (b. 24 MAR 1923 - d. 4 DEC 2008)
Muller, Maria Barbara
Muller, Mary Jane (b. --Not Shown--)
Muller, Patrick James (b. --Not Shown--)
Muller, Rhett Gillis Thomas (b. --Not Shown--)
Muller, Thomas David (b. --Not Shown--)
Muller, Trenton Douglass (b. --Not Shown--)
Muller, Trevor Leighton (b. --Not Shown--)
Muller, Tyler Jon (b. --Not Shown--)
Mullins, Evelyn
Mullins, Thomas S. (b. --Not Shown--)
Mulsaky, Arlene K
Mummert, Lydia Alice (b. 29 APR 1866 - d. 17 JAN 1950)
Mundorff, Mary E (b. 13 OCT 1911 - d. 12 NOV 1998)
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