Index for surnames beginning with K (Pedigree Pages)
[Kirstner, Johann Ludwig] - [Knoche, Catherine Elisabeth]

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.


[Kahl, Helen Marie] - [Klohs, Michael W.]
[Klohs, Theodore W.] - [Knoche, Georg Gabriel]
[Knoche, Georg Gabriel] - [Koch, Emil John]
[Koch, Errie C.] - [Kuhn, Solomon]
[Kuhn, Theis] - [Kümmell, Johann Nickel]

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Klohs, Theodore W. (b. --Not Shown--)
Kloos, ??
Klophaus, Amalia (b. 16 JUN 1850 - d. 17 OCT 1928)
Klophaus, Amalie (b. 16 JUN 1850 - d. 17 OCT 1928)
Klotz, Anna Elisabeth (b. 18 JUL 1722 - d. 19 SEP 1783)
Klotz, Anna Gertraud (b. 12 DEC 1672 - d. 12 DEC 1712)
Klotz, Henrich (b. 31 JUL 1734 - d. 20 JUN 1758)
Klotz, James
Klotz, Jane Elizabeth (b. 18 FEB 1877 - d. 11 OCT 1956)
Klotz, Johannes (b. 25 NOV 1801 - d. BEF 1860)
Klotz, John Edward (b. 16 JAN 1872 - d. 2 JUL 1926)
Klotz, John Frederick (b. 7 SEP 1838 - d. 12 MAY 1918)
Klotz, Ludwig (b. 14 MAY 1700 - d. 7 APR 1761)
Klotz, Mary Araminta (b. 28 MAR 1869 - d. 12 JUL 1929)
Klotzen, Maria Elisabeth
Klund, Anna Mae
Knabel, Alice (b. 16 APR 1901 - d. 30 OCT 1986)
Knabel, Florentine Elizabeth Velma (b. 19 JAN 1897 - d. AUG 1981)
Knabel, Howard (b. 1907 - d. 1941)
Knabel, John Roscoe (b. 26 FEB 1870 - d. 4 AUG 1947)
Knabel, John Roscoe (b. ABT 1905 - d. 10 NOV 1978)
Knapp, ??
Knapp, Joyce (b. --Not Shown--)
Knapp, Lucinda (b. 22 OCT 1843 - d. 27 SEP 1929)
Knebel, Adolf (b. 28 DEC 1886 - d. 9 FEB 1892)
Knebel, Alwine (b. 5 MAY 1898 - d. 18 JUL 1969)
Knebel, Amalia (b. 16 MAY 1836 - d. 8 NOV 1918)
Knebel, Amalia (b. 26 JUL 1840)
Knebel, Amalia (b. 4 AUG 1846)
Knebel, Anna (b. 29 APR 1879 - d. 10 MAY 1918)
Knebel, Anna Catherine (b. 21 AUG 1838 - d. 18 MAY 1864)
Knebel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 13 DEC 1737 - d. 8 OCT 1799)
Knebel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 14 FEB 1771 - d. 13 DEC 1797)
Knebel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 16 JUN 1846 - d. 27 JUL 1887)
Knebel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 26 APR 1838 - d. 10 APR 1839)
Knebel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 29 SEP 1852 - d. 27 SEP 1921)
Knebel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 3 SEP 1879 - d. 17 NOV 1879)
Knebel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 8 MAR 1833 - d. 27 AUG 1870)
Knebel, Caroline (b. 25 NOV 1834 - d. 8 JUN 1898)
Knebel, Caroline (b. AUG 1873 - d. 1948)
Knebel, Catherine (b. 30 JUL 1891 - d. 30 JUN 1971)
Knebel, Charles (b. 16 NOV 1875)
Knebel, Edward (b. JUN 1878 - d. 15 MAR 1969)
Knebel, Elisabeth (b. 15 OCT 1864 - d. 21 OCT 1945)
Knebel, Elisabeth (b. 28 NOV 1749 - d. 2 SEP 1819)
Knebel, Elisabeth Amalia (b. 4 NOV 1768 - d. 11 SEP 1813)
Knebel, Elisabeth Florentine (b. 14 MAY 1848)
Knebel, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 14 AUG 1743)
Knebel, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 17 JAN 1760 - d. 29 OCT 1813)
Knebel, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 23 JAN 1779 - d. 28 JAN 1779)
Knebel, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 28 MAR 1732 - d. 22 FEB 1742)
Knebel, Frederick (b. 25 FEB 1882 - d. JUL 1964)
Knebel, Friedrich (b. 21 JAN 1893 - d. 1951)
Knebel, Georg Garbriel (b. 19 DEC 1776 - d. 25 MAY 1806)
Knebel, Georg Heinrich (b. 12 OCT 1799 - d. 17 JAN 1823)
Knebel, Georg Hermann (b. 1 AUG 1729 - d. 1 JUN 1794)
Knebel, Georg Hermann (b. 20 JAN 1774 - d. 8 DEC 1775)
Knebel, Heinrich (b. 9 NOV 1880 - d. 9 APR 1967)
Knebel, Henry M. (b. 29 JUN 1880 - d. 1947)
Knebel, Jacob Heinrich (b. 30 JUL 1820 - d. 4 MAY 1861)
Knebel, Johann Georg (b. 21 FEB 1757 - d. 25 JUN 1832)
Knebel, Johann Georg (b. 24 JUL 1831 - d. 13 DEC 1870)
Knebel, Johann Georg (b. 27 SEP 1779 - d. 23 JUL 1782)
Knebel, Johann Heinrich (b. 21 AUG 1826 - d. 20 DEC 1911)
Knebel, Johann Heinrich (b. 22 MAY 1807)
Knebel, Johann Heinrich (b. 23 OCT 1853 - d. 23 FEB 1941)
Knebel, Johann Heinrich (b. 24 FEB 1805 - d. 19 APR 1869)
Knebel, Johann Heinrich (b. 9 DEC 1794 - d. 9 MAR 1795)
Knebel, Johann Henrich (b. 15 DEC 1765 - d. 18 OCT 1820)
Knebel, Johann Hermann (b. 19 MAR 1789 - d. 26 OCT 1789)
Knebel, Johann Hermann (b. ABT 1685 - d. 5 MAY 1750)
Knebel, Johann Peter (b. 28 MAY 1799)
Knebel, Johannes (b. 13 NOV 1803 - d. 24 FEB 1872)
Knebel, Johannes (b. 21 OCT 1841 - d. 26 JUN 1897)
Knebel, Johannes (b. 24 JUN 1843)
Knebel, Johannes (b. 25 DEC 1746 - d. 21 JUL 1794)
Knebel, Johannes (b. 8 OCT 1836 - d. 7 OCT 1839)
Knebel, Johannes (b. 9 DEC 1802 - d. 27 MAR 1803)
Knebel, Katharine (b. 10 JAN 1854 - d. 18 FEB 1876)
Knebel, Katherine (b. 1 MAY 1845 - d. 12 DEC 1887)
Knebel, Ludwig (b. 1 DEC 1762)
Knebel, Ludwig (b. 16 OCT 1874 - d. 4 NOV 1874)
Knebel, Ludwig (b. 23 AUG 1882 - d. 9 JUL 1970)
Knebel, Ludwig (b. 9 MAR 1841)
Knebel, Ludwig Heinrich (b. 2 FEB 1838 - d. 20 DEC 1911)
Knebel, Ludwig Heinrich (b. 20 DEC 1791 - d. 12 NOV 1867)
Knebel, Ludwig Heinrich (b. 21 NOV 1832 - d. 29 JUL 1890)
Knebel, Ludwig Heinrich (b. 4 NOV 1834)
Knebel, Ludwig Heinrich (b. 8 JAN 1788 - d. 18 JAN 1788)
Knebel, Maria Amalia (b. 12 AUG 1828 - d. 29 APR 1835)
Knebel, Maria Amalia (b. 6 MAR 1796 - d. 6 DEC 1855)
Knebel, Maria Elisabeth (b. 14 DEC 1708 - d. 26 DEC 1768)
Knebel, Maria Elisabeth (b. 9 JUL 1797 - d. 12 JAN 1860)
Knebel, Mary Adeline (b. 21 NOV 1874 - d. 29 OCT 1946)
Knebel, Wilhelm (b. 2 SEP 1888 - d. 19 NOV 1910)
Knebel, Wilhelm (b. 7 SEP 1866 - d. 10 OCT 1888)
Knebusch, Marie
Knippenberger, Anna (b. 1848)
Knoche, Albert Phillip (b. 21 DEC 1877 - d. 30 MAR 1960)
Knoche, Alfred Arnold (b. 25 JAN 1912 - d. 20 OCT 2003)
Knoche, Alice (b. 1916 - d. JAN 1939)
Knoche, Allen T (b. --Not Shown--)
Knoche, Amalia (b. 21 JAN 1874 - d. 8 MAR 1934)
Knoche, Amalia (b. 27 JAN 1880 - d. 4 AUG 1969)
Knoche, Amalia Maria (b. 16 APR 1756 - d. 14 APR 1758)
Knoche, Amelia (b. 22 MAY 1882 - d. 29 SEP 1959)
Knoche, Amelia Louise (b. 1 JUN 1871 - d. 21 AUG 1953)
Knoche, Ann Barbara (b. 15 DEC 1913 - d. 26 DEC 1993)
Knoche, Anna ( d. 1864)
Knoche, Anna Catherine (b. 10 NOV 1756 - d. 2 APR 1758)
Knoche, Anna Catherine (b. 14 FEB 1815 - d. 18 JAN 1817)
Knoche, Anna Christina (b. 15 JAN 1753 - d. 29 JAN 1753)
Knoche, Anna Christina (b. 24 MAY 1837 - d. 14 NOV 1839)
Knoche, Anna Eleonore (b. 7 DEC 1780 - d. 11 AUG 1782)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 13 APR 1850)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 17 OCT 1766)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 2 MAY 1826 - d. 11 NOV 1869)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 20 JAN 1712 - d. 23 MAY 1787)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 21 APR 1804 - d. 14 MAY 1870)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 21 APR 1825)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 22 JAN 1716)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 23 OCT 1708 - d. 24 DEC 1765)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 30 APR 1843 - d. 8 DEC 1909)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 30 JUN 1834 - d. 28 APR 1878)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 31 MAY 1794 - d. 28 OCT 1796)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 4 DEC 1842 - d. 12 SEP 1931)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 7 FEB 1776 - d. 23 SEP 1834)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. 9 SEP 1886 - d. 16 MAR 1976)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth (b. ABT 1675 - d. AFT 1715)
Knoche, Anna Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 21 OCT 1704 - d. 21 JAN 1749)
Knoche, Anna Elizabeth (b. 21 JUN 1873 - d. 26 APR 1948)
Knoche, Anna Elizabeth (b. NOV 1875 - d. JAN 1956)
Knoche, Anna Katherine (b. 16 FEB 1707)
Knoche, Anna Katherine (b. ABT 1866 - d. 3 AUG 1884)
Knoche, Anna Maria (b. 1 JUL 1822)
Knoche, Anna Wilhelmine (b. 10 OCT 1849 - d. 1911)
Knoche, Ardell W (b. 23 JAN 1914 - d. 3 MAY 2000)
Knoche, Arla (b. 4 JUN 1907 - d. 24 JUL 2000)
Knoche, Benjamin
Knoche, Benjamin Franklin (b. 9 JAN 1890 - d. APR 1983)
Knoche, Bernadine (b. 10 OCT 1918 - d. 17 MAR 2013)
Knoche, Bertha Louisa (b. 21 AUG 1890 - d. FEB 1968)
Knoche, Catherine (b. 14 JUL 1841 - d. 13 AUG 1905)
Knoche, Catherine Elisabeth (b. 24 APR 1745 - d. 31 OCT 1794)
Knoche, Catherine Elisabeth (b. 25 SEP 1748 - d. 26 MAR 1758)
Knoche, Catherine M (b. 20 DEC 1935 - d. 20 OCT 2002)
Knoche, Charles Frederick (b. 3 FEB 1887 - d. DEC 1964)
Knoche, Charlotte (b. 22 JAN 1892 - d. 1933)
Knoche, Christine (b. 1859)
Knoche, Claude Louis (b. 15 SEP 1908 - d. 20 JUL 1981)
Knoche, Dena B. (b. 12 APR 1889 - d. DEC 1971)
Knoche, Dennis
Knoche, Donald E (b. 1926 - d. 1926)
Knoche, Dora E. (b. JUL 1877 - d. 26 APR 1915)
Knoche, Edward Elijah (b. 17 JAN 1879 - d. NOV 1969)
Knoche, Edward Frank (b. 30 MAR 1895 - d. 21 NOV 1967)
Knoche, Elisabeth (b. 27 MAY 1832 - d. 4 OCT 1834)
Knoche, Elisabeth (b. 3 OCT 1835 - d. 25 SEP 1923)
Knoche, Elisabeth (b. ABT 1874)
Knoche, Elisabeth Amalia (b. 1 JAN 1826 - d. 17 APR 1880)
Knoche, Elisabeth Amalia (b. 12 JUL 1828)
Knoche, Elisabeth Amalia (b. 16 NOV 1822 - d. 21 OCT 1857)
Knoche, Elisabeth Amalia (b. 23 NOV 1840)
Knoche, Elisabeth Amalia (b. 27 OCT 1832 - d. 16 SEP 1904)
Knoche, Elisabeth Amalia (b. 28 AUG 1837)
Knoche, Elisabeth Amalia (b. 28 NOV 1796 - d. 21 JAN 1847)
Knoche, Elisabeth Amalia (b. 8 NOV 1807 - d. 26 JAN 1851)
Knoche, Elisabeth Caroline (b. 7 MAR 1836)
Knoche, Elisabeth Florentine (b. 22 SEP 1831 - d. 2 OCT 1861)
Knoche, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 16 NOV 1708 - d. 9 APR 1779)
Knoche, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 17 FEB 1743 - d. 10 APR 1773)
Knoche, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 23 MAR 1776 - d. 7 DEC 1838)
Knoche, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 25 OCT 1783 - d. 14 NOV 1788)
Knoche, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 28 MAY 1796 - d. 22 FEB 1862)
Knoche, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 3 JUN 1785 - d. 7 DEC 1838)
Knoche, Elisabeth Katherine (b. 19 DEC 1702)
Knoche, Elizabeth (b. 1872 - d. 10 JUL 1872)
Knoche, Elizabeth (b. 27 NOV 1884 - d. 8 SEP 1965)
Knoche, Elizabeth Amalia (b. AUG 1892 - d. 1954)
Knoche, Elmer G. (b. 29 JAN 1902 - d. 19 OCT 1998)
Knoche, Emma Louise (b. 25 JUL 1887 - d. 19 JUN 1972)
Knoche, Esther (b. 2 MAY 1921 - d. 5 JAN 1998)
Knoche, Ethel (b. 8 SEP 1912 - d. 24 JUN 2000)
Knoche, Eugene (b. 1929 - d. 2 JUN 1930)
Knoche, Eugene William (b. 12 JAN 1911 - d. 15 OCT 1986)
Knoche, Evelyn Rose (b. 22 SEP 1908 - d. 4 JAN 2013)
Knoche, Flora (b. ABT 1899)
Knoche, Florentine (b. 1 JAN 1857 - d. 30 JAN 1858)
Knoche, Florentine (b. 9 AUG 1853)
Knoche, Florentine Theresa (b. 10 OCT 1854 - d. 3 JUN 1933)
Knoche, Frank Arthur (b. 22 AUG 1918 - d. 17 OCT 1999)
Knoche, Frank Henry (b. 11 MAR 1878 - d. 13 AUG 1961)
Knoche, Frederick (b. 25 OCT 1925 - d. 26 NOV 2006)
Knoche, Frederick (b. AUG 1879)
Knoche, Frederick Charles (b. 3 APR 1885 - d. 29 JAN 1966)
Knoche, Gary Gilbert (b. 29 OCT 1937 - d. 16 MAR 2003)
Knoche, Georg Franz (b. 19 JUN 1790 - d. 22 DEC 1856)
Knoche, Georg Franz (b. 4 MAR 1799)
Knoche, Georg Gabriel (b. 22 FEB 1751)
Knoche, Georg Gabriel (b. 28 DEC 1713 - d. 2 NOV 1770)

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