Index for surnames beginning with L (Pedigree Pages)
[Lauber, Johann Ludwig] - [Loeschen, Harold Detlef]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[L.Schmidt, John] - [Lauber, Katherine]
[Lauber, Lewis George] - [Lückel, Maria Karoline]
[Lückel, Zacharias] - [Lückel, Maria Karoline]
Lauber, Lewis George (b. 27 NOV 1871 - d. 20 JUN 1932)
Lauber, Lisette (b. 13 NOV 1874 - d. 14 APR 1956)
Lauber, Lisette (b. 30 JAN 1832 - d. 26 OCT 1862)
Lauber, Louis (b. ABT 1862)
Lauber, Louise (b. 24 MAR 1851)
Lauber, Ludwig Heinrich (b. 29 SEP 1863 - d. 23 JAN 1945)
Lauber, Ludwig Heinrich (b. 7 FEB 1862 - d. 17 FEB 1862)
Lauber, Ludwig Henrich (b. 24 AUG 1784 - d. 27 JAN 1785)
Lauber, Luise (b. 19 JUN 1826 - d. 3 APR 1895)
Lauber, Luise (b. 26 AUG 1899)
Lauber, Maria Amalia (b. 16 JUN 1791 - d. 17 AUG 1855)
Lauber, Maria Catherine (b. 16 JUN 1830)
Lauber, Maria Elisabeth ( d. BEF 1861)
Lauber, Maria Elisabeth (b. 12 MAR 1838)
Lauber, Maria Katharine (b. 14 JAN 1848 - d. BET 1912 AND 1919)
Lauber, Maria Katherine (b. 22 DEC 1802 - d. 14 MAY 1886)
Lauber, Maria Katherine (b. 22 SEP 1835 - d. 4 MAY 1905)
Lauber, Mary (b. ABT 1854)
Lauber, Merten (b. ABT 1590 - d. ABT 1650)
Lauber, Monika (b. --Not Shown--)
Lauber, Nellie Blanche (b. 9 JUL 1895 - d. 12 FEB 1972)
Lauber, Ross Isaac (b. 29 SEP 1892 - d. 10 MAR 1946)
Lauber, Rudolf (b. 13 JUL 1913)
Lauber, Ruth (b. 22 JAN 1903)
Lauber, Sophia (b. 11 FEB 1849 - d. 1934)
Lauber, Susan (b. 24 NOV 1868 - d. 30 NOV 1937)
Lauber, Walter George (b. 2 JAN 1913 - d. 2 AUG 1995)
Lauber, Willard C. (b. 31 AUG 1911 - d. 12 MAY 1982)
Lauber, William (b. 27 APR 1873 - d. 31 MAY 1958)
Laufer, Helen
Laufer, Herman
Laufer, Herman August Carl
Laufer, Laura Wilhelmine Emilie (b. 11 MAY 1883 - d. 14 APR 1937)
Laufer, Wilhelm Martin Edward
Launspach, Charles (b. 15 JAN 1862 - d. 20 JAN 1931)
Launspach, Clarence Floyd (b. 24 AUG 1901 - d. MAR 1986)
Launspach, Dale
Launspach, Edwin (b. 9 MAR 1868)
Launspach, Faye H (b. JAN 1897)
Launspach, George (b. 5 DEC 1864 - d. 1929)
Launspach, Harold Carl (b. 8 JUL 1905 - d. 15 NOV 1996)
Launspach, Harry (b. 20 MAR 1873 - d. 13 OCT 1931)
Launspach, Herbert George (b. 14 MAY 1893)
Launspach, Ida (b. 10 SEP 1878)
Launspach, Johann Caspar (b. 13 JUN 1793 - d. 13 NOV 1852)
Launspach, Margaret (b. ABT 1909)
Launspach, Mary (b. 15 JAN 1866 - d. 25 JAN 1898)
Launspach, Philip (b. 17 JUN 1870 - d. APR 1895)
Launspach, Philipp Johannes (b. 23 JUN 1838 - d. FEB 1880)
Launspach, Russell Laverne (b. 25 SEP 1918 - d. 26 MAR 1995)
Launspach, Ruth (b. ABT 1904)
Launspach, Susan
Lawrence, Alice Margorie (b. 3 JUN 1893 - d. 28 MAY 1981)
Lawrence, Catherine Marie (b. 1 JUL 1897 - d. 28 AUG 1992)
Lawrence, Eloise Lillain (b. 24 JUL 1890 - d. 6 MAR 1949)
Lawrence, Frank Budd (b. 12 NOV 1858 - d. 16 JUL 1912)
Lawrence, John (b. 19 DEC 1829 - d. 2 FEB 1886)
Lawrence, Marian Asenath (b. 29 OCT 1899 - d. 23 JAN 1974)
Lawrence, Zeta Lucile (b. 28 APR 1892 - d. 16 JUN 1980)
Leary, Jean Ellen (b. --Not Shown--)
Leavitt, Jessie B. (b. 24 SEP 1887 - d. 6 FEB 1936)
Leavitt, Lewis F (b. 1859 - d. 1926)
Ledig, Catharina Elisabeth (b. 30 AUG 1734 - d. 9 DEC 1809)
Lee, Ethel Kathryn (b. 23 APR 1912 - d. 9 OCT 2000)
Lee, Jennifer Sue (b. --Not Shown--)
Leetch, Harold (b. 9 DEC 1917 - d. 4 OCT 1984)
Leetch, William Theodore (b. 1883 - d. 1964)
Leibinger, ??
Leibinger, Douglas
Leinbach, Elisabeth (b. 28 JUL 1835 - d. 10 MAR 1872)
Leinbaugh, Beth Ellen (b. --Not Shown--)
Leive, Duane Henry (b. 11 JUN 1924 - d. 4 JAN 1998)
Leive, Fred Henry (b. 27 JUL 1883 - d. 14 JUL 1954)
Lemmer, Alexandra (b. --Not Shown--)
Lemmer, Balthasar (b. 1 NOV 1883 - d. 5 JUL 1930)
Lemmer, Balthasar (b. 11 APR 1911)
Lemmer, Kurt
Lemmer, Margarethe (b. 2 APR 1908)
Lemson, George W.R. (b. --Not Shown--)
Lemson, Herbert Garcia (b. 16 DEC 1927 - d. 6 JUN 2016)
Lemson, Josephine (b. --Not Shown--)
Lemson, Shawn K. (b. --Not Shown--)
Lendt, Delmer George (b. 1 MAR 1921 - d. 14 FEB 2006)
Lendt, Herbert (b. 21 MAR 1883 - d. 8 DEC 1954)
Leng, Maria (b. 20 SEP 1868 - d. 6 OCT 1950)
Lenhart, David Homer (b. --Not Shown--)
Lenhart, Elma Nadine (b. --Not Shown--)
Lenhart, Elmer Wellington (b. 22 SEP 1877 - d. 23 MAR 1964)
Lenhart, Gladys Elgerta (b. 19 JAN 1903 - d. 3 JUN 1984)
Lenhart, Homer William (b. 24 MAR 1908 - d. 28 APR 2004)
Lenhart, Lester Phillip (b. 25 JUN 1906 - d. 9 SEP 1949)
Lenhart, Tamarie (b. --Not Shown--)
Lenhart, William S.
Leonhard, Joyce Elaine (b. --Not Shown--)
Levers, Dorothy Elizabeth (b. 2 SEP 1909)
Levis, Daren Grivé (b. --Not Shown--)
Levis, Henry Dean (b. --Not Shown--)
Levy, Alyce
Levy, Edward
Lewis, Jeanne (b. --Not Shown--)
Lewis, Thyra Isabel (b. 26 MAY 1906 - d. 9 JAN 1976)
Leyendecker, Anna Elisabeth (b. 3 MAY 1674 - d. 22 DEC 1718)
Leyer, Fredericka (b. 7 AUG 1838 - d. 28 NOV 1893)
Libke, Bruce (b. 25 AUG 1945 - d. 20 FEB 2014)
Libke, Gregory Allen (b. --Not Shown--)
Libke, Matthew Todd (b. --Not Shown--)
Lienan, Anna Christine
Lietz, Mathilde C. (b. JUL 1867 - d. 1939)
Liles, Eva A
Limbacher, Barbara
Limbacher, Barbara
Liming, Beulah Alice (b. 12 OCT 1915 - d. 20 NOV 2000)
Limmer, Barbara Anna (b. OCT 1846)
Limmer, Conrad (b. 13 OCT 1805 - d. 1 JUN 1874)
Limmer, John (b. 19 APR 1845 - d. 26 MAY 1912)
Limper, Maria Elisabeth (b. 19 SEP 1801 - d. 21 OCT 1848)
Linde, ?? (b. ABT 1595)
Linde, Elisabeth Magdalene (b. 29 SEP 1770 - d. 16 JAN 1833)
Linde, Jost Heinrich (b. 1724)
Linde, Katharina (b. ABT 1583)
Linde, Maria Margarete
Linde, Paul (b. ABT 1565)
Linn, Ruth Eleanor (b. 20 JUN 1916 - d. 14 JUL 2007)
Lipscomb, Zorah
Litau, Justina
Lizza, Christina Rose
Locke, Dennis (b. --Not Shown--)
Locke, Malcom Norman (b. 13 DEC 1934 - d. 16 JUL 2009)
Locke, Nancy
Locke, Vernon Dwight (b. 5 DEC 1930 - d. 19 APR 2022)
Locke, Wanda Corinne (b. 28 FEB 1926 - d. 5 MAR 2007)
Locke, Ward William (b. 14 APR 1901 - d. 17 APR 1963)
Loeschen, Child
Loeschen, Gordon Eugene (b. 27 DEC 1937 - d. 15 NOV 1987)
Loeschen, Harold Detlef (b. 11 NOV 1911 - d. 6 APR 1971)
Loeschen, Janet Elaine (b. 14 AUG 1936 - d. 24 FEB 2012)
Lofgren, James Alan (b. --Not Shown--)
Lofgren, Jay Carl (b. --Not Shown--)
Lofgren, Jerry Lynn (b. --Not Shown--)
Lofgren, John Richard (b. --Not Shown--)
Lofgren, Richard Dean (b. --Not Shown--)
Lofgren, Timothy James (b. --Not Shown--)
Logan, Sue Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Lombardi, Alexander (b. ABT 1878)
Lombardi, Mabel Bernice (b. 28 APR 1913 - d. 13 MAY 2004)
Long, Anna Catharina (b. 1764 - d. 1830)
Long, Clara Jane (b. 24 NOV 1860 - d. 1 APR 1954)
Long, Martin (b. 17 JUN 1832 - d. 22 MAY 1915)
Long, Oliver (b. 24 DEC 1895 - d. AUG 1973)
Long, Valentine J. (b. 1864 - d. 10 JUL 1898)
Loseman, Mary Elizabeth (b. 31 MAR 1839 - d. JAN 1906)
Lotz, Margarethe (b. 20 MAR 1843 - d. 2 MAY 1931)
Lucas, Anne (b. 13 AUG 1833 - d. 2 JUN 1901)
Ludwig, Elisabeth Christine
Lukens, Child
Lukens, Fred Edward (b. 25 APR 1888 - d. 26 SEP 1957)
Lukens, Frederick (b. 16 FEB 1921 - d. 13 SEP 1975)
Lukens, John Fritchle (b. 28 OCT 1914 - d. 11 DEC 1973)
Lutzvi, Johannes ( d. 26 FEB 1761)
Lutzvi, Maria Gertraud Katharina (b. 21 JUL 1751 - d. 9 AUG 1828)
Lynch, Aubrey James (b. 10 JUN 1907 - d. 21 JUN 1998)
Lynch, Beryl Mace (b. 19 MAR 1911 - d. 1 JAN 1950)
Lynch, Darrel Dale (b. 23 JUN 1912 - d. 15 SEP 2002)
Lynch, Dwarda Isabelle (b. 17 JUN 1904 - d. 9 OCT 1997)
Lynch, Ercelle Sarah (b. 3 APR 1909 - d. 16 FEB 1988)
Lynch, Mace Augustus (b. 19 MAY 1878 - d. 2 MAR 1917)
Lynch, Zae Retha (b. 5 FEB 1906 - d. 26 DEC 2006)
Lückel, ?? (b. ABT 1540)
Lückel, Anna Elisabeth
Lückel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 10 JUN 1872)
Lückel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 19 NOV 1790 - d. 13 MAR 1860)
Lückel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 25 MAR 1796 - d. 21 MAR 1877)
Lückel, Anna Elisabeth (b. 31 MAR 1863 - d. 26 OCT 1931)
Lückel, Anna Louise (b. 20 JAN 1866)
Lückel, Anna Margarete (b. ABT 1679 - d. 24 SEP 1751)
Lückel, Anna Maria (b. 25 DEC 1840)
Lückel, Annelie (b. --Not Shown--)
Lückel, Carl Adolph (b. 11 JUL 1868)
Lückel, Elisabeth Magdalene (b. 27 JUL 1838 - d. 21 DEC 1838)
Lückel, Franz (b. 6 AUG 1832 - d. 11 AUG 1832)
Lückel, Friedrich Wilhelm (b. 7 MAR 1836 - d. 23 OCT 1864)
Lückel, Georg (b. ABT 1510)
Lückel, Georg Franz (b. 20 SEP 1789 - d. 1 AUG 1852)
Lückel, Georg Franz (b. 30 JAN 1830)
Lückel, Georg Mannus (b. 22 APR 1823 - d. 5 MAR 1858)
Lückel, Georg Wilhelm (b. 22 SEP 1833 - d. 13 SEP 1873)
Lückel, Georg Wilhelm (b. 28 AUG 1729 - d. 26 JAN 1791)
Lückel, Heinrich (b. 20 MAR 1875)
Lückel, Heinrich (b. 31 MAY 1857 - d. 1 DEC 1862)
Lückel, Johann Georg (b. 21 JAN 1821 - d. 22 NOV 1828)
Lückel, Johann Georg (b. 30 OCT 1760 - d. 27 JAN 1832)
Lückel, Johann Georg (b. 7 AUG 1826)
Lückel, Johann Georg (b. 7 MAR 1861)
Lückel, Johann Heinrich (b. 2 JAN 1828 - d. 7 SEP 1887)
Lückel, Johann Kaspar (b. ABT 1640)
Lückel, Johannes (b. 23 JAN 1819 - d. 27 APR 1845)
Lückel, Johannes (b. ABT 1576 - d. BEF 1641)
Lückel, Katharina Elisabeth (b. 19 NOV 1839)
Lückel, Leonhard (b. 6 APR 1932 - d. 20 APR 1992)
Lückel, Maria Karoline (b. 26 NOV 1825 - d. 8 APR 1906)
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