Index for surnames beginning with S (Pedigree Pages)
[Shapson, Samuel Alan] - [Snow, Leo Daniel]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[Sabo, Nels J.] - [Schneider, Conrad]
[Schneider, Dietrich Clarence] - [Schroeder, Christian Eugene]
[Schroeder, Melissa Kay] - [Smeed, Lillian Mary]
[Smeigh, Ann Elisabeth] - [Spies, Johann Franz]
[Spies, Johann Gabriel] - [Strackbein, Anna Catharina]
[Strackbein, Anna Catharine] - [Strackbein, Johannes]
[Strackbein, Johannes] - [Syzdek, Teofil]
Smeigh, Ann Elisabeth (b. 1 NOV 1885 - d. 27 JUN 1953)
Smith, Aaron J. (b. 11 JUL 1894 - d. 24 AUG 1969)
Smith, Alice Lee (b. 3 FEB 1910 - d. 1985)
Smith, Andrew David (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Arvilda (b. 5 MAY 1883 - d. 18 NOV 1968)
Smith, Barrett Ried (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Carrie Theresa (b. 29 AUG 1907 - d. FEB 1987)
Smith, Catherine Elizabeth (b. 24 DEC 1795 - d. 17 MAY 1861)
Smith, Curtis Noah (b. 10 DEC 1907 - d. 1972)
Smith, Danial Alan (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Daniel (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Daphne Marean (b. 23 MAY 1892 - d. 26 JUL 1893)
Smith, Debra Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Donald Ray (b. 17 APR 1918 - d. 16 MAY 1997)
Smith, Edwin (b. ABT 1912)
Smith, Ernest Pearl (b. 24 AUG 1890 - d. 16 AUG 1942)
Smith, Eugenia Mary (b. 18 JUN 1905 - d. 1969)
Smith, Floyd James (b. 10 JAN 1923 - d. 2 FEB 1990)
Smith, Harry (b. ABT 1913)
Smith, Irene Alexandria (b. 19 DEC 1906 - d. 31 MAR 1909)
Smith, Isabella Vida Mathilda (b. 29 OCT 1904)
Smith, James Knox Polk (b. 2 DEC 1845 - d. 17 SEP 1934)
Smith, Jared (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Kate J
Smith, Kenneth Lee (b. 27 DEC 1913 - d. 11 SEP 1985)
Smith, Kenneth O. K. (b. 13 JUL 1918 - d. 15 SEP 2000)
Smith, Ladie Faye (b. JAN 1900 - d. 19 MAR 1998)
Smith, Lee Lucien (b. DEC 1878 - d. 27 MAR 1930)
Smith, Lewis A. (b. ABT 1910)
Smith, Mardona (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Margaret
Smith, Margaret (b. ABT 1891)
Smith, Margaret E. (b. 15 AUG 1932 - d. 20 MAY 1957)
Smith, Marsha (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Mary Elizabeth (b. 2 NOV 1921 - d. 22 JUL 2003)
Smith, Matilda B.
Smith, Myrtle (b. 26 FEB 1877 - d. 5 JUN 1933)
Smith, Nellie Francis (b. 5 AUG 1880 - d. 22 SEP 1970)
Smith, Nelson Harry (b. 10 SEP 1914 - d. 2 JUL 2005)
Smith, O. K. (b. 21 MAR 1882 - d. 21 APR 1969)
Smith, Rebecca Lynn (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Roger Allen
Smith, Ronald Denis (b. 5 OCT 1940 - d. 24 MAY 1989)
Smith, Russell
Smith, Ruth Eileen (b. 20 AUG 1934 - d. 17 SEP 2002)
Smith, Scott (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Ulah Tena (b. 15 MAR 1889 - d. 16 AUG 1930)
Smith, Vernon H (b. --Not Shown--)
Smith, Veronica
Smith, Vivian (b. 8 JAN 1913 - d. 14 SEP 1972)
Smith, Wanda L (b. --Not Shown--)
Smoak, Bonnie (b. --Not Shown--)
Snee, James Marion (b. 9 FEB 1894 - d. 8 MAR 1980)
Snee, Marion Louise (b. 4 AUG 1926 - d. 5 NOV 2010)
Sneed, Eric Steven (b. 3 MAR 1981 - d. 2018)
Sneed, Steven John (b. --Not Shown--)
Snow, Fortcrable (b. 10 MAY 1909 - d. 29 SEP 1982)
Snow, John Harold
Snow, Leo Daniel (b. --Not Shown--)
Snow, Patsy
Snow, Shirley Ann
Snyder, Alma Helen (b. 31 MAR 1922 - d. 15 DEC 2010)
Snyder, Child
Snyder, Clarence Leonard (b. 12 APR 1899 - d. 1942)
Snyder, Daisy Irene (b. 15 JAN 1901 - d. JUN 1979)
Snyder, Fannie M. (b. 1883)
Snyder, Florence Edith (b. 3 FEB 1896 - d. 12 MAR 1981)
Snyder, George Edward (b. 17 MAY 1883 - d. 14 APR 1950)
Snyder, John Arthur (b. 23 JAN 1885 - d. 20 DEC 1970)
Snyder, Marvin Louis (b. 24 NOV 1915 - d. 25 SEP 1964)
Snyder, Mary Louise (b. 24 SEP 1910 - d. 19 JAN 1987)
Snyder, Mildred R. (b. 25 OCT 1902 - d. AUG 1990)
Snyder, Norma Ailene (b. 17 SEP 1928 - d. 10 FEB 2006)
Snyder, Paul Harold (b. 10 DEC 1907 - d. 6 NOV 2002)
Snyder, Ramona (b. --Not Shown--)
Snyder, Shirley Willmet (b. --Not Shown--)
Snyder, Ulysses Grant (b. 23 OCT 1897 - d. 7 FEB 1984)
Snyder, William A. (b. 27 NOV 1887 - d. 1918)
Snyder, William Bruce (b. 9 JUL 1876 - d. 13 DEC 1933)
Sommer, Catharine Elisabeth (b. 28 MAR 1739 - d. 31 OCT 1806)
Sommer, Catherine Margareta (b. 28 MAR 1734 - d. 13 JAN 1784)
Sommer, Christian Ludwig (b. 29 MAR 1744 - d. 3 APR 1746)
Sommer, Johann Jacob (b. 4 DEC 1740)
Sommer, Johann Jost (b. JAN 1689 - d. 30 OCT 1765)
Sommer, Johann Ludwig (b. 18 SEP 1729 - d. 7 MAY 1731)
Sommer, Philip Bernhard (b. 24 SEP 1737 - d. 14 JAN 1740)
Sonneborn, Anna Elisabeth
Sonneborn, Christine (b. 1825 - d. 25 OCT 1857)
Sonneborn, Georg Andreas (b. 29 JUN 1819 - d. ABT 1860)
Sonneborn, Heinrich (b. MAR 1851)
Sonneborn, Johann Georg (b. 5 MAR 1849 - d. 1 APR 1926)
Sonneborn, Ludwig Heinrich (b. 1860)
Sonneborn, Ludwig Wilhelm (b. DEC 1857)
Sorensen, Alma (b. 1 FEB 1891 - d. 15 JUN 1966)
Sorensen, Christian (b. JUL 1867)
Souder, Susannah (b. 15 NOV 1824 - d. 30 DEC 1878)
Spangenburg, Martha (b. 6 MAR 1858 - d. 29 MAY 1907)
Spies, ?
Spies, Anna Barbara (b. 22 AUG 1699 - d. 24 MAR 1756)
Spies, Anna Barbara (b. 24 AUG 1717 - d. BEF 1751)
Spies, Anna Catharina (b. 15 NOV 1721)
Spies, Anna Catharina (b. 1691 - d. 31 JUL 1752)
Spies, Anna Catharina (b. 23 AUG 1771 - d. 20 MAR 1848)
Spies, Anna Catharina (b. 31 OCT 1718 - d. BEF 1733)
Spies, Anna Catharina (b. 5 JUL 1733 - d. 14 AUG 1763)
Spies, Anna Catharina Elisabeth (b. 4 SEP 1705)
Spies, Anna Catherine
Spies, Anna Catherine (b. ABT 1650 - d. BEF 1686)
Spies, Anna Christina (b. 28 MAR 1738 - d. BEF 1740)
Spies, Anna Christina (b. 9 SEP 1708)
Spies, Anna Christina (b. ABT 1655 - d. AFT 1708)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 10 DEC 1679 - d. 29 JUN 1767)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 10 MAY 1698)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 13 OCT 1723 - d. BEF 1738)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 14 APR 1747 - d. 14 JAN 1789)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 14 JUL 1697)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 19 NOV 1690 - d. 3 SEP 1748)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 2 JAN 1694 - d. 28 JAN 1757)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 20 JAN 1752 - d. 12 MAY 1752)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 20 MAR 1770 - d. 23 MAR 1854)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 23 MAR 1716 - d. ABT 1716)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 24 JAN 1751 - d. 26 SEP 1817)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 26 APR 1810 - d. 11 DEC 1857)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 27 DEC 1871 - d. 4 APR 1915)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 27 FEB 1761 - d. 27 OCT 1789)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 28 FEB 1766 - d. 28 FEB 1840)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 29 FEB 1740 - d. 27 MAR 1740)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 29 SEP 1726 - d. 4 APR 1783)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 4 SEP 1694)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 6 APR 1753 - d. 2 JUN 1758)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. 9 FEB 1723)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. ABT 1660)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. ABT 1687 - d. AFT 1722)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth (b. ABT 1725)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 13 FEB 1738)
Spies, Anna Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 3 DEC 1718 - d. 3 FEB 1775)
Spies, Anna Gertraud (b. 1 JAN 1762 - d. 7 FEB 1812)
Spies, Anna Gertraud (b. 5 MAR 1683)
Spies, Anna Gertraud (b. 8 MAR 1685 - d. BEF 1740)
Spies, Anna Katharina (b. 5 JUL 1733 - d. 14 AUG 1763)
Spies, Anna Magdalena (b. 19 MAR 1682)
Spies, Anna Magdalena (b. ABT 1650 - d. AFT 23 MAY 1697)
Spies, Anna Margarete (b. 28 SEP 1690 - d. 4 DEC 1754)
Spies, Anna Margaretha (b. 25 JAN 1694 - d. 28 MAY 1775)
Spies, Anna Margaretha (b. ABT 1645 - d. BEF 1678)
Spies, Anna Margaretha (b. ABT 1670 - d. 23 MAY 1741)
Spies, Anna Margarethe (b. 24 DEC 1679 - d. BEF 1740)
Spies, Anna Maria (b. 6 DEC 1679 - d. 1 DEC 1754)
Spies, Anna Maria Magdalena (b. 13 MAR 1692 - d. 18 APR 1760)
Spies, Anton
Spies, Antonius (b. 10 DEC 1726)
Spies, Antonius (b. 11 SEP 1693)
Spies, Antonius (b. ABT 1640)
Spies, Antonius (b. ABT 1662 - d. 18 MAR 1751)
Spies, Barbara (b. ABT 1650)
Spies, Bastian ( d. BEF 1616)
Spies, Carolus (b. 3 AUG 1689 - d. 10 JAN 1740)
Spies, Catarin (b. ABT 1580 - d. AFT MAY 1629)
Spies, Catharina Elisabeth (b. ABT 1665 - d. BEF 1730)
Spies, Catharine Elisabeth (b. ABT 1665 - d. 1694)
Spies, Catherina Elisabeth (b. 13 MAR 1685)
Spies, Catherine Elisabeth (b. 11 NOV 1694 - d. BEF 1728)
Spies, Catherine Elisabeth (b. 19 MAY 1705 - d. BEF 1740)
Spies, Catherine Elisabeth (b. 20 JUN 1682 - d. BEF 1740)
Spies, Catherine Elisabeth (b. 29 JUN 1742 - d. 26 MAR 1755)
Spies, Christ (b. ABT 1550 - d. BET 1590 AND 1606)
Spies, Christine (b. ABT 1580)
Spies, Christine (b. ABT 1655)
Spies, Daniel
Spies, Daughter (b. 19 MAR 1691)
Spies, David
Spies, Elias (b. 25 MAY 1744 - d. 3 MAR 1814)
Spies, Elisabeth (b. 9 MAY 1647 - d. 1710)
Spies, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 15 DEC 1744 - d. 28 APR 1788)
Spies, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 17 MAR 1778 - d. 15 MAY 1845)
Spies, Elisabeth Gertraud (b. 21 APR 1764 - d. 13 APR 1830)
Spies, Elisabeth Margarete (b. 7 MAR 1730 - d. BEF 1740)
Spies, Elisabeth Margaretha (b. 9 JUL 1700)
Spies, Elisabeth Pauline Klara (b. 12 JUL 1867 - d. 4 JAN 1956)
Spies, Emma Berta Franziska (b. 24 OCT 1869)
Spies, Florentine (b. 1759)
Spies, Friedrich (b. 4 AUG 1873 - d. 3 AUG 1937)
Spies, Friedrich Wilhelm (b. 2 DEC 1854)
Spies, Gabriel ( d. AFT 1700)
Spies, Gabriel ( d. AFT 1699)
Spies, Gabriel (b. ABT 1585 - d. ABT 1636)
Spies, Gabriel (b. ABT 1623)
Spies, Georg Franz (b. 11 MAR 1699 - d. 8 JAN 1771)
Spies, Georg Mannus (b. 1 MAY 1773)
Spies, Georg Wilhelm Adolf (b. 8 OCT 1871)
Spies, Gundermann (b. ABT 1610 - d. BEF 1680)
Spies, Jacob (b. 1833)
Spies, Johann Arndt (b. 10 DEC 1732)
Spies, Johann Arndt (b. 16 DEC 1753 - d. 11 SEP 1757)
Spies, Johann Caspar (b. ABT 1745)
Spies, Johann Daniel (b. 24 SEP 1696 - d. 22 OCT 1781)
Spies, Johann Franz (b. 14 APR 1726 - d. 11 MAR 1790)
Spies, Johann Franz (b. 19 JUL 1773)
Spies, Johann Franz (b. 22 NOV 1720 - d. BEF 1726)
Spies, Johann Franz (b. 30 MAR 1729 - d. BEF 1740)
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